A-Z Challenge

Blogging from A-Z Challenge 2024 – Theme reveal!

Hello all! And welcome to my theme reveal for the A-Z Blogging Challenge 2024.

The A-Z Blogging Challenge is a great hop that challenges you to write a post everyday in April (except Sundays) using the alphabet as a guide. So, 1st April is something beginning with A, 2nd April is B, and so on. For more comprehensive guidance and to see about signing up yourself then click here.

I missed out on the challenge last year but have done it before and really enjoyed it. I’ve been wracking my brain this week over what my theme will be this year and trying to come up with something in time for the theme reveal window; the last couple I did were daily haikus but I wanted something different, and book related where possible.

Since 2020 I’ve been keeping a log of the books I’ve read; I was interested in how many I was getting through in a year and it was a backup to my Goodreads challenge. So, I thought my A-Z could be on the authors that I’ve read over the last four years and which books specifically.

It’s quite a varied mix, from well-known authors to sports people and their biographies, and I’ve tried to be consistent with my use of the alphabet, namely having the authors name for each letter. However, a couple of letters are trickier than others (I’m looking at you X!) so I’ve had to get more creative with those ones.

I’m looking forward to checking out the other blogs during this challenge and I hope you like what I come up with too.

And now, to get to work on those blog posts. Only fifteen days to go!

26 thoughts on “Blogging from A-Z Challenge 2024 – Theme reveal!

  1. Stopping in to take a look at your theme and wish you a happy March and a wonderful April. Can’t wait to read more during April! ♥

  2. I’m happy to read about books all day so look forward to your posts. For X I immediately thought of Xavier Herbert. Its many years since I read Poor Fellow My Country (Australian book).

  3. I love books and enjoy reading different topics. I’m looking forward to hearing what you read and your experiences with each book/author!

  4. That’s a great theme – I’m an avid reader and always appreciated hearing about what others are reading, and recommending.
    I look forward to visiting in April.
    Happy blogging, Jenny at PEARSON REPORT

  5. Exciting theme reveal! I’m looking forward to following your A-to-Z journey throughout April. Best of luck with the challenge. I’ve restarted my blog and deleted all the old content since I’ve been away for about 10 years and am coming back with the A-to-Z Challenge, hopefully it’ll give me some blog theme motivation and some dedicated readers. My theme is here: https://illusionsofchaos.blogspot.com/2024/03/hello-again-atozchallenge-theme-reveal.html

    1. Welcome back to blogging! I’ve been away for quite a while too and I love these challenges, they’re great for getting back into it and connecting with new people. Good luck!

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