Flash Fiction · Friday Fictioneers

Sweet Little Lies – #FridayFictioneers

After missing out last week due to bad time management, I was determined that I was going to write something for this one. The first line jumped into my head as soon as I saw the picture, but I wasn’t quite expecting it to take the turn it did. I love it when even your own writing surprises you though.

PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson

‘Is it colourful outside, Mummy?’

‘Yes, sweetheart, lots of colours.’

‘Tell me.’

‘Well, the sky is bright blue, like your favourite shorts. There are lots of green trees, you wouldn’t have enough crayons to draw them all. And the yellow and pink flowers are waving at us.”

The clouds were actually as dark as could be, promising rain that would batter the flowers and shake the trees.

I looked at my daughter in her hospital bed and the bandages covering her eyes, praying that the operation had been a success.

‘I can see them Mummy! I can see the flowers!’

Word count: 100

The idea for Friday Fictioneers is simple: see the picture, use it as inspiration for a 100-word piece of flash fiction, post it on your blog, share the link over at Rochelle Wisoff-Fields’ website, check out and comment on everyone else’s stories. Easy peasy!

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