Denise Covey · Flash Fiction · New Beginnings · Write ... Edit ... Publish

To ‘my little one’ … – A Write … Edit … Publish post

This is my contribution to this months edition of Write … Edit … Publish.

For more information on this monthly challenge check out Write…Edit…Publish tab at the top of the page, where you can find out more about the host and how to get involved.

This month’s theme for the blog hop is:

I wanted to do something a bit different for this month’s theme and tried having a go at a little poetry, however I think I need to hone these skills a little more before unleashing any on the world.

Instead, I’m posting a letter that I’ve written to ‘my little one’, who will be emerging into the world in the next few months. This idea came to me as I was waiting for my five year old to come out of school, and just seemed fitting for the theme of New Beginnings. I hope you like it …


You’re so small at the moment; I can barely feel you moving around. I know you’re in there though, there have been plenty of signs to let me know, and most of them uncomfortable. Don’t worry, I won’t hold it against you, once you’re here and in my arms I know it’ll all have been worth it.

We’re already halfway there my little one, but it still seems like some kind of dream that you even exist. I wonder, do you know what’s going on in there? Can you hear me yet?

I wonder what you’ll make of this big wide world when you’re here. It’s a scary place to be, but you don’t need to worry. I’ll be here for you every step of the way.

I can’t wait to see what kind of person you’ll turn into, how much of me will come through and how much of your daddy. I wonder what you’ll want to do with your life; will it be creative or sporty? Will you be more technical and logical?

Whatever you decide it’s your life to lead and you can choose whatever path you want to follow. We will be here to guide you as much as we can, to offer advice and assistance, you will never be on your own while I am here.

There will be lots of things for us to share together as you grow up, and most of the times will be joyous, filled with laughter, fun and merriment. Some of the times will be tough, with unwelcome heartache and pain. But, whether the times are good or whether they are bad, they will be filled with love and we’ll all have each other to see us through.

So, don’t you worry in there, I’ll keep you safe and warm so you can concentrate on growing healthy and strong. Don’t grow too big though, remember I still need to get you out 🙂

If you make it easier for me, I’ll make it as easy as I can for you too. After all, it’s just you and me kid, working together. Let’s make our start as a good team.

It won’t be long my little one; I look forward to meeting you soon!


18 thoughts on “To ‘my little one’ … – A Write … Edit … Publish post

    1. Thank you Nilanjana for your kind words. This is perhaps the most autobiographical thing I’ve published so I was a bit unsure about it, but I’m glad you liked it.

  1. Congratulations! I really enjoyed reading what you wrote, being a mother myself. I hope you don’t mind that I also posted a link to it on FB, saying that this is what every child should have the right to have, a mother that even before birth, is so in love with her child she would write something so heartfelt and beautiful for him/her…promises of a new beginning and also continuation. Great post!

    1. Thanks Lisa, and thanks for posting a link to it. At the time I just put down what I was feeling and your comment means a lot. I’m glad I was able to impart some of the emotion I felt while writing it.

  2. Well done, Heather. I’ve read that there is perception in the womb, so perhaps that little one’s brain heard you. When I was pregnant with our girls, hubs wrote a little story for each of them and we added it to their baby books. They loved reading that story for years afterward. I,on the other hand, wrote a ‘letter from mom’. So I think this is a fantastic entry written from the heart!

    1. Thanks DG. I feel a little guilty that I didn’t write anything like this to my daughter when I was carrying her, but I’m sure there’s plenty more I can write to her about as she grows up.
      I love that your girls each have a story to enjoy from their own beginnings.

  3. Congratulations on your impending new event Heather! What a blessed child to come into the world with a mother already writing loving words especially for him/her. Beautiful. I’m sure everyone will be touched by this entry Heather. That’s the best new beginning, isn’t it? A new child brought into the world. And I’m pretty sure that I’ve read that a child in the womb knows its mother. Lovely thought.

    And sometime I’d love to read your experimental poetry. I love to dabble myself, but know it’s not really my strong point, but it forces me to think more deeply about what I’m trying to say. Maybe we’ll have a poetry only prompt later on.

    Thank you so much for posting for WEP. It is lovely to have you write with us.


    1. Thanks for your comments Denise. It’s lovely to read so many nice responses from people remembering their own expectancies.
      I’m looking forward to practicing my poetry skills and when I gain some confidence I’ll definitely be posting some on here. A poetry prompt for the WEP would be a great idea.
      Once again, thanks for being such a superb host for this hop, I look forward to next months entries x

  4. This is lovely, Heather! I found you via the WEP. Congratulations! I have two friends expecting and this made me smile, thinking about them and my new god children to be! All the best for you in the new year!

    Nice to meet you,

  5. HI, Heather,

    That was lovely. Really. Motherhood is such an amazing and magical part of our lives. As a man, I can only imagine the excitement you must feel with every kick and movement. It is a sheer blessing.

    I hope you save this and let your little one read it. It’s beautiful!

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