A-Z Challenge · Books

Neil Gaiman – #A-Z Challenge 2024

I’d been wanting to read Neil Gaiman for ages before I finally did but I didn’t really know where to start. The first novel I read was American Gods and for my birthday one year I treated myself to an offer I just couldn’t refuse, which included five of his books with beautiful, colourful covers.

Honestly, who wouldn’t be tempted by such beauties … ?

So far I’ve only read American Gods and Neverwhere and I really enjoyed them both. I think what I loved about these books is that they start off in the real world, but very quickly enter into somewhere that’s completely different and hidden from all of us who are stuck in the every day.

I’d also been intrigued by his Sandman series but, having never really read any comics of any kind, I was a bit daunted about it and again, had no idea where to start. Luckily, the internet is always there when you need it and I very quickly found exactly where I needed to begin. So far, I’ve read the Overture and Preludes & Nocturnes and I’m captivated. As well as the story, the artwork is incredible and I never expected to be transported into it as much as I was. There are many more editions that I need to read through to get anywhere near the end, but I’m really looking forward to the journey.

To check out more blogs taking part in the A-Z Challenge for 2024 head over to the main website where you can find out more. There’s plenty to choose from!

3 thoughts on “Neil Gaiman – #A-Z Challenge 2024

  1. I read an excerpt from The Ocean at the End of Lane for a Kindle challenge. I enjoyed it but haven’t had a chance to read the book.

  2. I know it’s not common to say or to admit, but…I’ve never read any of his books. *hides* But I have been curious over the years. I do like comics, so I may start there. Thanks for the book recs!

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